Neat Recommends: The Writers in Stuttgart

Writer Barbara Gilchrist Feyl, member of the group Writers in Stuttgart. Photo: Writers in Stuttgart

Sharp, direct, and distinctly poetic – that’s how Barbara Gilchrist Feyl describes her writing style. You can hear the author on Friday March 18, 8 PM at the Dreigroschentheater in Stuttgart. The native Jamaican is part of a group called “The Writers in Stuttgart”. It is a collective of dedicated writers who meet monthly at the Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum (DAZ) to write together and better their craft. This month Feyl and her fellow members will read selections from their latest original works of fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry to the themes of “Awakenings” and “Celebrations”.

Friday, March 18th at 8 PM at Dreigroschentheater in Stuttgart.
The Writers in Stuttgart – Spring Reading
Featuring Erica Applezweig, O’Brien Browne, Valerie Callaghan, Jadi Campbell, Sarah Dressel, Barbara Gilchrist Feyl, Cindy Halbert-Seger and Michael Hecht
Tickets: 8 Euro (Regular) / 6 Euro (Students)
Box office: 9,50 Euro (Regular) / 7,50 Euro (Students)

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