The Return of the Future Adventures of NICK DANGER; Third Eye!

The Hilariously Surreal Radio Drama- The Future Adventures of NICK DANGER; Third Eye  will return…

He’s ready for excitement,
He’s ready for anything,
He’s NICK DANGER, Third Eye!

NICK DANGER was a character created by the highly satirical FIRESIGN THEATRE as a parody of popular hard boiled crime fiction and Hollywood Film Noire detectives such as Humphrey Bogart’s’ SAM SPADE. The group isn’t a theater at all but a four-man comedy troupe comprised of Phil Austin, Phil Proctor, Peter Bergman and David Ossman (all of them born under astrological “fire signs”). They began their career as live radio performers in Los Angeles, where their surrealistic brand of humor soon garnered them an enthusiastic following during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Their albums became a touchstone of the countercultural era.

Comedian Robin Williams once referred to the work of the FIRESIGN THEATRE as the “audio equivalent of a Hieronymus Bosch painting.”

NICK DANGER features Sara Conway, Holly DeWolf, Karin Heinrich, Elena Gallego Jiménez, Martin C. Jelonek, Joerg Witzsch, Andy Pugni, Rave Kanth, Florian Eisentraut, Lawrence Holmes, Derrick Jenkins

Show Time: Thursday, September 28 at 20:00 hrs in THEATER AM OLGAECK

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